Webinar | March 24, 2021

Best Practices for Managing Your Company’s Trade Secrets

  • trade-secrets

Trade secrets are often among a company’s most valuable intellectual property assets, yet their protection commonly receives less attention than other facets of an IP portfolio. Neglecting to properly secure trade secrets and failing to regularly review such measures are dangerous oversights. To avoid the inadvertent loss of valuable trade secret protection, a general understanding of the relevant law is imperative. During this webinar, Brooks Kushman attorneys will outline best practices and key strategies for implementing a robust trade secret protection plan. These topics will include:

  • The legal framework underlying trade secret status and protection
  • Simple steps to achieve a more secure trade secret portfolio
  • The importance of airtight agreements (employment, consultant, supplier, non-disclosure, etc.)
  • Key considerations in view of the rise of the remote workplace environment

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