Jessica is an interdisciplinary mechanical engineer and materials scientist who performs prior art searches for patent prosecution, clearance opinions and patent validity studies. She supports clients in the patent process by providing data to strengthen their position in determining whether to patent an inventive concept, whether there is freedom to operate in a technical area, the state of the art of a specific technology market and if there is any white space within that technology market. She also provides assistance to other attorneys with intellectual property negotiations, settlements and litigation.
Jessica received her doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Florida with a research focus on the synthesis of functionalized nanomaterials, and was the recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowship. After graduating, she was awarded an American Society for Engineering Education/NSF Corporate Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue research in battery science at General Motors.
Prior to joining Brooks Kushman, Jessica worked as a research associate with Nissan Technical Center North America where she was an inventor on numerous patent applications related to battery technology. She has over ten years of experience in evaluation of materials for novel interdisciplinary applications, design, warranty and failure mode analysis; and has worked on research projects including: the synthesis and functionalization of nanomaterials for bio- and chemical sensing applications; an on-chip thermoelectric device using patterned nanowires; and lithium ion battery material development and diagnostics.
Much of Jessica's time outside of work time is spent volunteering in various capacities to promote STEM education and leadership skills in girls. Of these positions, she is most active as a Troop Leader for a local Girl Scout troop, and a Team Coach for a
FIRST LEGO League Jr. team. Jessica also enjoys teaching her two daughters how to grow an organic garden.