Headshot image of Marc Lorelli

Marc Lorelli

Co-Chair Litigation


(248) 226-2949

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He does a fantastic job putting cases together and delivers superb cross-examinations at trial. He really fights for his clients. – IAM Patent 1000


  • Advanced Materials
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation & Robotics
  • Automotive
  • Autonomous & Mobility Technology
  • Chemistry
  • Consumer Products
  • Electrical & Computer Technology
  • Medical Devices
Marc is the Co-Chair of Brooks Kushman's intellectual property litigation practice. He has been instrumental in building, developing, and growing the team. Throughout his career, Marc has successfully tried patent, trademark, trade secret and copyright cases in Federal Courts nationwide. Marc has successfully argued appeals before the Federal Circuit including a leading decision on 101 jurisprudence, Ancora Techs., Inc. v. HTC Americas, Inc., 908 F.3d 1343 (Fed. Cir. 2018). Marc, as lead counsel, has also been prevailed in several investigations as both Complainant and Respondent in the International Trade Commission. Marc has extensive litigation experience from jury selection; presenting opening statements; examining (direct and cross) fact and expert witnesses; giving closing arguments; conducting Markman hearings; successfully arguing preliminary injunction motions; drafting successful discovery briefs, claim construction briefs, summary judgment briefs, and appeal briefs; managing electronic discovery activities; coordinating large document productions; and negotiating settlement, licensing and acquisition agreements. Marc’s current practice includes experience with Post-Grant Proceedings before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He has counseled clients in over 50 proceedings, and these proceedings continue to play major role in his patent litigation strategy. Marc has also been involved in several re-examination requests and the associated prosecution relating to patents in litigation. Marc graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law in 2001. Marc was the valedictorian of his graduating class and was an editor of the Law Review. Marc has a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated magna cum laude. Marc’s degrees and work experience in both mechanical and chemical engineering allow him to handle cases involving many different technologies. Prior to joining Brooks Kushman, Marc Lorelli was a patent agent at an automotive corporation. During his three years in that role, he gained extensive experience in preparing and prosecuting chemical, mechanical and electrical patent applications. Marc understands how to meet his clients’ patent prosecution needs, since he was a client himself. Marc learned first-hand about client expectations and how best to service clients. This experience is invaluable to Marc’s current practice, which involves a great deal of client counseling in both prosecution and litigation matters. Outside of the office, Marc enjoys family ski vacations out west, but otherwise stays busy with his three daughters who all play hockey. Marc plays hockey himself, and tries to catch the occasional round of golf in what little free time he has.

Representative District Court/ITC Matters

Kitch LLC v. Deejayzoo, LLC (Jury Trial – C.D. California): A federal jury in Los Angeles cleared beauty brand, Kitsch, represented by Brooks Kushman, from accusations that shower caps it makes infringe a New York designer’s patented design and related trademarks. After about an hour, eight jurors indicated they were siding with Kitsch, which had sued in 2019 seeking a ruling that its products did not infringe a pair of patents and trademark-protected marketing language, owned by a company called Deejayzoo. Only one of the two patents that Deejayzoo put forward made it to trial. Brooks Kushman attorneys also proved that Deejayzoo didn’t have the right to the descriptive slogan Kitsch used and that there was no evidence of confusion.

Magnadyne Corporation v. Winegard Company, USDC, N.D. Indiana, Case No. 3:20-cv-00722.  Brooks brought a patent infringement action brought for our client against Winegard for an external vehicle antenna housing and installation method.  The defendants filed a request for an ex parte reexamination and the claims were initially rejected. Brooks successfully argued for patentability of the asserted claims before the Patent Office.  The matter was resolved shortly thereafter.

NS Brands v. Mastronardi Produce Ltd., et al., USDC, W.D. Texas, Case No. 5:21-cv-00726.  Our client NS Brands sued defendant for trademark infringement of its distinctive Cherubs packaging for grape tomatoes. NS Brands filed a motion for a Preliminary Injunction and the matter was resolved shortly thereafter.

Terex South Dakota, Inc. et al v. Sinoboom North America, LLC – (Preliminary Injunction and Consent Permanent Injunction – S.D. Texas) – Represented Terex Corporation in a trademark infringement matter regarding the sale of BLUE mobile elevating work platforms (“MEWPs”). After learning of a Chinese manufacturer attempting to enter the U.S. market, Marc filed a lawsuit and preliminary injunction motion to stop defendant’s sale of Blue MEWPs. The Court granted a preliminary injunction in favor of plaintiff’s motion and halted the sale and use of Sinoboom’s BLUE MEWPs. The case shortly settled in favor of our client, Terex Corporation. This decision is the only preliminary injunction decision involving a product coloring.  This is the first known preliminary injunction granted for a single-color trademark.

Ford Motor Company v. TMC Fuel Injection, LLC (PTAB) – Representing Ford as a defendant in a patent lawsuit involving fuel injection technologies. BK employed IPR proceedings to obtain admissions regarding claim scope that led the district court to grant summary judgment of non-infringement, which the Federal Circuit affirmed.

Ford Global Technologies, LLC v. New World International, Inc. (Jury Trial – N.D. Texas): Trial counsel for plaintiff Ford in a patent lawsuit involving thirteen design patents. Obtained favorable summary judgment, claim construction, and other pre-trial rulings. The jury found willful infringement of all thirteen patents and against all invalidity challenges and awarded Ford the defendants’ total profits from the infringement. Obtained an award of almost $3 million in profits and attorneys’ fees as well as the entry of a permanent injunction. The judgement was affirmed on appeal. Case No: 3:17-cv-03201-N

JM Enterprises, Inc. V. The Ames Companies, Inc. (Summary Judgment – M.D. Pennsylvania): Counsel for Defendant The AMES Companies in a patent infringement action brought by JM Enterprises, Inc. The plaintiff alleged that AMES’ shovel products infringed a patent covering technology for attaching handles to shovel blades. Obtained summary judgment of non-infringement for client within four months. Case No: 1:17-cv-01118

Automotive Body Parts Assoc. v. Ford Global Technologies, LLC (Summary Judgment – E.D. Michigan): Obtained summary judgment for Ford Global on plaintiff’s declaratory judgment claims concerning Ford Global’s design patents. Case No. 2:15-cv-10137

In re Certain Hybrid Electric Vehicles (ITC): Trial counsel for Ford Motor Company in multi-patent investigation directed to hybrid electric vehicles. Settlement after trial. Inv. No. 337-TA-1042

TMC Fuel Injection System, LLC v. Ford Motor Company (Summary Judgment – E.D. Pennsylvania) Lead counsel for defendant Ford in a patent infringement action involving automotive fuel injection systems. Lead counsel for numerous inter partes reviews filed by Ford based on obviousness. Ford used the proceedings before the Patent Office to encourage the district court to construe the claims similarly and grant summary judgment in Ford’s favor. Obtained affirmance on appeal to the Federal Circuit. Case No. 2:12-cv-04971

Innovation Ventures, LLC d/b/a Living Essentials, v. N.V.E., Inc. (Jury Trial – E.D. Michigan): Represented Plaintiff Living Essentials in trademark infringement action involving plaintiff’s 5-Hour ENERGY trademark. The jury found that Defendant N.V.E.’s sale of a competing product named “6 Hour Power” infringed Plaintiff’s trademark and awarded $10.6 million in damages. The jury also awarded an additional $11.5 million in disgorgement of N.V.E.’s profits and fully rejected N.V.E.’s $60 million false advertising claim. Case No: 4:08-cv-11867

In re Certain Wiper Blades (D. Nevada; E.D. Michigan; ITC): Trial counsel for Corea Autoparts (CAP) in multiple patent infringement actions concerning “bracket-less” or “beam” style wiper blades. Obtained settlement prior to trial. lnv. No. 337-TA-816

Ancora Technologies, Inc. v. HTC America, Inc. (W.D. Washington; Federal Circuit): Counsel for plaintiff Ancora Technologies in a patent infringement action concerning computer software. Obtained reversal by the Federal Circuit of a decision by the district court invalidating the asserted patent under 35 U.S.C. § 101. Case No. 2:16-cv-01919; 18-cv-1404

Lumalier Corp., v. Infection Prevention Technologies LLC (Federal Circuit.): Counsel for Infection Prevention Technologies in declaratory judgment action concerning multiple patents for ultraviolet sterilization devices used in hospitals. Obtained summary judgment ruling of non-infringement. Obtained affirmance in an appeal to Federal Circuit. Case No. 2:14-cv-0138

Ancora Techs. v. Apple, Inc. (Federal Circuit): Counsel for Ancora Technologies patent infringement action concerning computer software. Obtained a positive claim construction ruling for the patent holder on appeal to the Federal Circuit. Case No: 744 F.3d 732

Robert Bosch LLC v. Corea Autoparts Producing Corporation et al. (Settlement – E.D. Michigan & ITC) – In re Certain Wiper Blades, lnv: Lead trial counsel for Corea Autoparts (CAP) in multiple patent infringement actions concerning “bracket-less” or “beam” style wiper blades. Favorable settlement was reached prior to trial. Case No: 2:11-cv-14019; lnv. No. 337-TA-816

Living Essentials v. N2G (Jury Trial – E.D. Michigan) – Represented Plaintiff Living Essentials in a trademark infringement action involving plaintiff`s 5-Hour ENERGY trademark. The Court granted Plaintiff summary judgment on secondary meaning and copyright infringement. At trial, the jury found for the Plaintiff on trademark and trade dress infringement and awarded Plaintiff $1,750,000 in damages and attorney fees. Case No. 2:08-cv-10983

Infection Prevention Technologies LLC v. Lumalier (Summary Judgment – E.D. Michigan): Lead counsel for plaintiff in patent infringement action involving room disinfection patents where reflected ultraviolet radiation is the method by which the room is disinfected. The Court granted plaintiff`s summary judgment motion and found that plaintiff did not infringe Lumalier’s patents. Case No. 2:10-cv-12371

Digitech Information Systems, Inc. v. Ally Financial, et al. (Summary Judgment – E.D. Michigan): Counsel for defendant in this patent infringement action. The patent-in-suit was held invalid as not meeting the statutory requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 101. Decision was upheld in an appeal to the Federal Circuit. Case No. 2:11-cv-13999

P&M Services, Inc. v. Martin Gubb (Jury Trial – E.D. Michigan): Lead trial counsel for defendant in patent infringement action concerning paper converting technology. Plaintiff was seeking $7.2 million in damages for infringement of multiple patents. After a three week trial, a favorable jury verdict of $14,167 was obtained for our client. Obtained affirmance of the judgment on appeal at the Federal Circuit. Case No. 04-cv-72432

Magnadyne Corp. v. Best Buy, et. al. (Settlement – C.D. California): Lead trial counsel for plaintiff Magnadyne in a patent infringement action involving the design of cellular phone chargers. Obtained a positive claim construction ruling for the patent holder as well as positive summary judgment result. This success led to the settlement of the matter just prior to trial. Case No. 09-cv-1763; 09-cv-1937

Elmotec Statomat, Inc. v. Visteon Corp. (Summary Judgment – E.D. Michigan): Counsel for defendant in a matter involving breach of contract, correction of inventorship of several patents, and related claims concerning alternator technologies. Obtained a favorable summary judgment dismissing plaintiff’s claims. Case No. 07-cv-13884

In the matter of Certain Automotive Parts (ITC): Trial counsel for Ford Motor Company in a design patent lawsuit directed to vehicle replacement parts. Obtained infringement finding and upheld validity of seven design patents and obtained a General Exclusion Order preventing any infringing parts from entering the United States. Investigation No. 337-TA-557

SPX Corp. v. Bartec USA, LLC, et. al. (Settlement – E.D. Michigan): Lead trial counsel for plaintiff in a patent infringement action. Obtained a positive claim construction ruling for the patent holder as well as an Order excluding evidence of certain prior art from the defendants. These successes led to the settlement of the matter. Case No. 06-cv-14888

Excellent Inventions, Inc. v. FKA Distributing, et al. (Settlement – S.D. Texas): Counsel for defendant in a patent infringement action with multiple patents concerning control schemes for personal wellness products. Successfully defended plaintiff`s claim for a preliminary injunction. Successfully argued at the Markman hearing for a claim scope that rendered the patents invalid. Our success at the Markman hearing led to a favorable settlement for our client. Case No. H-04-4543

Ultra-Precision Manufacturing v. Ford Motor Company (Jury Trial – E.D. Michigan): Trial counsel for defendant involving claims of breach of contract, unjust enrichment, commercial misappropriation and inventor fraud related to compressor technologies. Plaintiff was seeking tens of millions in damages. Through trial and multiple appeals, obtained and upheld a finding of no liability for our client. Case No. 01-cv-70302

General Motors Corporation, et al. v. Lanard Toys, Inc., et al. (Jury Trial – E.D. Michigan) – Represented Plaintiff in an action against a toy manufacturer for unfair competition, trademark infringement, and trade dress infringement. Obtained over $1 million-dollar judgment, which included disgorgement of Defendant’s profits and royalties to General Motors, as well as $1 million in attorney’s fees. Affirmed in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Case No. 01-cv-71103; 03-cv-72731

Elite Logistics Services, Inc., et al. v. ATX Technologies, Inc., et al. (Summary Judgment – S.D. Texas): Counsel for defendant Ford in a patent infringement lawsuit concerning vehicle telematics. Successfully defended plaintiff`s claim for a preliminary injunction and claim for tens of millions in damages. Obtained summary judgment ruling of non-infringement for our client. Case No. 02-866

Scott Clare, et al. v. Ford Motors Company, et al. (Settlement – E.D. Texas): Counsel for defendant Ford Motor Company concerning pick-up truck designs. Obtained favorable settlement for our client prior to trial. Case No. 02-325

Hilgraeve Corporation v. Symantec Corporation (Settlement – E.D. Michigan): Counsel for plaintiff in a patent infringement action involving anti-virus software. Secured a $62.5 million settlement for our client on the eve of trial. Case No. 97-40370

Richard J. Ditzik v. Viewsonic Corporation, et al. (E.D. Michigan): Counsel for individual/sole proprietorship patentee in lawsuit against large computer monitor manufacturers for infringement of multiple patents. Case No. 03-74043

In the matter of Certain Automotive Parts (ITC): Trial counsel for Ford Motor Company in a design patent lawsuit directed to vehicle replacement parts. Obtained infringement finding and upheld validity of seven design patents and obtained a General Exclusion Order preventing any infringing parts from entering the United States. Investigation Nos. 337-TA-557, 337-TA-651


J.D., University of Detroit Mercy, summa cum laude, Associate Editor, University of Detroit Mercy, Law Review, Frank Murphy Honor Society, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society

M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, magna cum laude, Tau Beta Pi Honor Society

Organizations & Affiliations

Intellectual Property Owners (IPO) Association – Industrial Designs Committee

State Bar of Michigan

Michigan Intellectual Property Law Association, Board of Directors, Past-President 2009-2010.

American Intellectual Property Law Association

American Bar Association

Federal Bar Association

Federal Circuit Bar Association



“IAM Patent 1000 Recommended Individual,” Intellectual Asset Management, 2019 – 2024

“Patent Star,” IP Stars, Managing Intellectual Property, 2020-2024

“Outstanding Litigator of the Year – Michigan”, Managing Intellectual Property, 2020

Lawyer of the Year, Litigation – Intellectual Property, Best Lawyers, 2019

Michigan Super Lawyers, Intellectual Property, 2017-2024

“World Trademark Review 1000 Recommended Individual,” Intellectual Asset Management, 2015-2019

Best Lawyers in America, 2015-2025

“Rising Star,” Michigan Super Lawyers, Intellectual Property, 2012-2014

“Top Lawyer,” DBusiness Magazine, 2013, 2015 – 2016, 2019-2021

“Up & Coming Lawyer,” Michigan Lawyers Weekly, 2009


  • Advanced Materials
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation & Robotics
  • Automotive
  • Autonomous & Mobility Technology
  • Chemistry
  • Consumer Products
  • Electrical & Computer Technology
  • Medical Devices


Speaker, “The ‘Other’ Judicially Created Patentability Exception: Design Patent Functionality,” Michigan Intellectual Property Association (MIPLA), January 2020

Panelist, “IAM Boardroom: PTAB,” Intellectual Asset Management, Chicago, IL, May 2018

Panelist, “Protecting Your Client’s IP,” Association of Corporate Counsel’s (ACC) Corporate Counsel University, 2014 – 2018, 2021

Panelist, “Post-grant patent proceedings under the new American Invents Act (AIA),” Toledo Intellectual Property Law Association, March 2014

Speaker, “Intersection of Trademark & Design Patent Law,” Federal Bar Association Law Clerk Program, October 2011



Co-Author, “Redrawing the Obviousness Standard: Graham Factors Overrule Rosen-Durling for Design Patents,” Brooks Kushman Client Alerts, May 2024

Book Chapter Author, “The Evolution of United States Patent Law Under the America Invents Act,” Intellectual Property Law 2013 Aspatore Thought Leadership series, March 2013

Book Chapter Author, “New Challenges for Today’s Lawyers in Litigation Patent Cases,” Insides the Minds: Litigation Strategies for Intellectual Property Cases, June 2011

Author, “How to Manage an Intellectual Property Litigation,” Institute of Continuing Legal Education, February 2004

Co-author, “Trademark and Trade Dress Fundamentals,” On behalf of Michigan Intellectual Property Law Association to members of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, January 2006

Author, “Overview of Claim Interpretation Under Markman,” Intellectual Property Law Institute Judge’s Seminar, January 2002

Author, “How Trademark Litigation Over Internet Domain Names Will Change After Section 43(D) of The Lanham Act,” University of Detroit Mercy Literary Review, January 2000


Press Releases

Eight Brooks Kushman Attorneys Ranked As 2025 Best Lawyers; Frank Angileri Recognized As 2025 Lawyer of the Year

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Press Releases

Nine Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named to 2024 Super Lawyers; Three Attorneys Honored As Rising Stars

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Recognized In The Top Tier Of IP Firms In The Country By Managing IP; Eight Shareholders Named “IP Stars”

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Recognized as Gold-Standard Firm By 2024 IAM Annual Patent 1000 For The Eleventh Year In A Row; Ten Attorneys Recognized as Top Practitioners

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Client Alerts

Redrawing the Obviousness Standard: Graham Factors Overrule Rosen-Durling for Design Patents

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Secures Significant Trademark Win at the Fifth Circuit

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Press Releases

Six Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named To 2023 Super Lawyers; One Attorney Honored As Rising Star

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Press Releases

Five Brooks Kushman Attorneys Ranked As 2024 Best Lawyers; Frank Angileri Recognized As 2024 Lawyer of the Year

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Recognized In The Top Tier Of IP Firms In The Country By Managing IP; Seven Shareholders Named “IP Stars”

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Recognized as Gold-Standard Firm By 2023 IAM Annual Patent 1000 For The Tenth Year In A Row; Eight Attorneys Recognized as Top Practitioners

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Press Releases

Nine Brooks Kushman Attorneys Recognized In Best Lawyers

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Recognized as Gold-Standard Firm By 2022 IAM Annual Patent 1000 For The Ninth year In A Row; Eight Attorneys Recognized as Top Practitioners

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli to Serve as Panelist at ACC Corporate Counsel University

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Brooks Kushman Co-Chair Litigation Marc Lorelli Panelist at ACC Corporate Counsel University®

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Press Releases

Eight Brooks Kushman Shareholders Named To 2021 Top Lawyers List

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Media Coverage

Federal Circuit Court Won’t Revisit Design Patent Decision and Affirms Decision In Favor Of Brooks Kushman Trial Victory

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Federal Circuit Court Affirms Design Patent Decision in Favor of Brooks Kushman Client Defense

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli Named Michigan’s Outstanding Litigator of the Year

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli to Speak at Michigan Intellectual Property Law Association Luncheon

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Press Releases

Ten Brooks Kushman Shareholders Named To 2020 Top Lawyers List

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Shareholders Lorelli and MacCallum Featured on Patent Prosecution Roundtable

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Client Alerts

USPTO Publishes Updated Guidance on its 2019 Patent Eligibility Guidelines

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Shareholder John Rondini Invited to Join Board of Michigan IP Inn of Court

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Media Coverage

Federal Circuit Court Upholding Brooks Kushman Client Defense of Design Patents

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Press Releases

Six Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named To 2019 Super Lawyers List; Seven Attorneys Honored as Rising Stars

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The New Frontier: Design Patent Protection in the United States

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Press Releases

Nine Brooks Kushman Attorneys Ranked As 2020 Best Lawyer; Two Attorneys Recognized As 2020 Lawyer Of The Year

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Client Alerts

Federal Circuit Upholds Validity of Design Patents for Automotive Replacement Parts

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IP Litigation in 2019: Key Developments from 2018 and Predictions for the New Year

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Preview: Supreme Court 2018/2019 Intellectual Property Docket

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Press Releases

Twelve Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named To 2018 Super Lawyers List; Eight Attorneys Honored as Rising Stars

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Hosts Chinese Delegation in Partnership With Michigan State University

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Press Releases

Nine Brooks Kushman Attorneys Ranked As Best Lawyer; Two Attorneys Recognized as Lawyer of the Year

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Media Coverage

Marc Lorelli Featured In Corporate Counsel Article Focused On Open Source Software ACC Panel

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Client Alerts

Supreme Court Rules That § 284 Permits Lost Profits Damages Based on Lost Foreign Sales

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Second Quarter Supreme Court and Federal Circuit IP Review

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli To Serve As Panelist At 2018 ACC Corporate Counsel University

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Ranked In The 2018 Best Law Firms List; Nine Attorneys Ranked As Best Lawyer

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Press Releases

Twelve Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named To 2017 Super Lawyers List; Ten Attorneys Honored As Rising Stars

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Press Releases

Nine Brooks Kushman Attorneys Ranked as 2018 Best Lawyers

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Marc Lorelli at ACC Corporate Counsel University

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Client Alerts

Supreme Court’s TC Heartland Decision Impact

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Client Alerts

Statements Made in IPR Preliminary Responses

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Press Releases

5-hour ENERGY® Named “Top Verdicts of 2016”

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Quarterly Review – Intellectual Property Impact

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Client Alerts

Laches Not A Defense To Patent Infringement Damages

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Earns Gold Honors In World Trademark Review 1000 Listing

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Supreme Court to Review Forum Shopping in Patent Infringement Litigation

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Client Alerts

Supreme Court Limits Design Patent Damages, Vacates Apple’s $399 Million Award Against Samsung

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Ranked in the 2017 Best Law Firms List; Eight Attorneys Ranked as Best Lawyers

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Press Releases

Five Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named To 2017 Top Lawyers List

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Client Alerts

Federal Circuit Reverses Course on Obviousness– Affirms Apple Victory in Smartphone Battle

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Second Quarter 2016 Supreme Court and Federal Circuit Update

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Congratulates 7 Attorneys Named as 2017 Best Lawyers In America

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli to Serve as Panelist at ACC Corporate Counsel University – 6/13/16

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Federal Circuit Decision May Signal New Strategy for Patenting Computer-Related Inventions

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Press Releases

Eleven Brooks Kushman Attorneys Named Top Lawyers

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Press Releases

Five Brooks Kushman Attorneys Recognized as 2016 Best Lawyers in America

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli to Serve as Panelist at ACC Corporate Counsel University

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a 2014 “Best Law Firm”; Five Shareholders Named as “Best Lawyers”

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Announces New Co-Chair of Litigation

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Press Releases

Sixteen Brooks Kushman Attorneys Named 2014 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

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Media Coverage

Five Brooks Kushman Attorneys Recognized as 2015 Best Lawyers in America ®

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman Win is Affirmed in Appeal for Infection Prevention Technologies LLC

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Media Coverage

Brooks Kushman Shareholder Discusses Patent Trolls in Crain’s Detroit Business

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Marc Lorelli to Discuss American Invents Act Proceedings at the Toledo Intellectual Property Law Association Spring Seminar

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Media Coverage

Four Brooks Kushman Lawyers Named to 2013 Super Lawyers List; Ten Attorneys Honored as Rising Stars

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Brooks Kushman Shareholder Contributes Chapter to Intellectual Property Law 2013

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Press Releases

Angileri, Lorelli and Sparschu Speak at the 2011 Federal Law Clerk Program

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Press Releases

Lorelli Authors Book Chapter on Litigation Strategies for Intellectual Property Cases

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Press Releases

Brooks Kushman’s Lorelli Appointed President of Michigan Intellectual Property Law Association

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Trademark and Trade Dress Fundamentals

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How to Manage an Intellectual Property Litigation

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Overview of Claim Interpretation Under Markman

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How Trademark Litigation Over Internet Domain Names Will Change After Section 43(d) of the Lanham Act

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